What is ENAB ?
ENAB comes from European Anti-Bullying Network, and it is a network of people from all over the world who are fighting against bullying of all types and forms. This blog was created as a result of a training course called Art of Conflict Transformation – Initiative and Variety (ACTIV), the participants wanted to share all the information they received in the course and by creating ENAB, the fight against bullying can become a bit easier. With this platform, everyone can have access to methods, games or information on how to prevent or stop bullying.
In this project, 30 workers were involved from 6 organizations (two organizations from Romania, one from Bulgaria, Turkey, Poland and Macedonia) for 14 days. The project was based on the principle of gender equality and gender equality eliminating material and social differences, ethnicity, health. The basis of the seminar was gender equality and gender equality in access to information and adapted activities at their level and needs. In the workshop we worked in mixed and homogeneous teams to ensure cultural diversity and fight against discrimination, to increase the degree of acceptance of cultural differences and gender equality. All participants participated equally in all activities without taking into account language skills or other abilities.
ENAB contains information about the Bullying phenomenon and will benefit both partners and other interested persons that seek to diversify their non-formal education methods and to act as a resource for the implementation of ENF’s own methods and instruments in combating and preventing bullying. All the methods that were used have an innovative approach and are
applicable in the context of this set of good practices, this means the ability to demonstrate what is unique in the initiative and offers opportunities for the initiative to be applied in other locations and contexts.
You can see some of the games that were created by the participants hereand maybe you can give us some insight on how to improve our techniques or just tell us your opinion on this. The more people that become aware of this phenomenon the easier it will be for all of us to prevent and stop it.
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